Case Study Coin Street


The Inner City – e.g. The Coin Street area of the South Bank, Waterloo London.


This is an inner city area which was very run down by the 1960s due to traditional industries, such as dockside warehouses, leaving the area and so many of the people followed. This left behind a derelict landscape and high unemployment with few facilities for those who did remain.  The area was bought by the Coin Street Community Builders and it has since been regenerated.


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 Use the Coin Street website

You might also like to find out more - here is a good overview taken from a selection of websites (open Coin Street Background Info doc). 


Key words


Inner City

The land use zone surrounding the centre of a city (CBD) which was the traditional location for industry and factory workers’ terraced housing


The improvements made to an area, these can be physical in terms of the buildings and the environment but also socioeconomic by creating housing and jobs.

Environmental impact

The changes that occur to the natural landscape, they can be positive or negative

Economic impact

The changes that occur that relate to money, they can be positive or negative

Social Impact

The changes that occur that relate to people, they can be positive or negative.


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Your group must use your fieldwork to answer the following questions...


·         Why did the Coin Street area need redeveloping?

·       What are the impacts of the regeneration scheme? (social, economic, environmental, positive, negative)

·       Who has benefitted the most/least from the project?

your group must present your data:


1. located, divided bar graphs for Environmental Quality

2. Located bars (or pie charts) for Residential Quality

3. A suitable graph of Retail survey results

4. Annotated photographs - advice here


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